Category: Contracts

  • Privacy Policy Generator – Critiquing Shopify’s Approach

    Shopify provides a free privacy policy generator at It’s from a large and reputable company, so what can go wrong? Quite a lot. Let’s get to the basics first. A privacy policy is generally required when you handle personal information. “Handle” and “personal information” are loaded terms that are not defined the same universally,…

  • Contract risk management – Can you contract for cheap?

    The question I am often asked is whether a contract is even necessary. I can tow the line and give you the typical lawyer response; that they are necessary and you should always hire a lawyer to write it for you. But I’ll let you in on a secret: it’s all about contract risk management.…

  • Why should we standardize legal documents?

    In the past, I have written about the path to standardize documents, but I haven’t written about why that should be a goal in the legal industry. It’s obvious isn’t it? While I think the immediate effects of standardization, both positive and negative, are easily recognizable, it’s worth playing out the mental exercise of longer…

  • Legal Portals – Supercharge your Business

    Legal portals will help close deals faster and on better terms, all while providing a great experience for you and your client. Legal Portals? Huh? Legal portals are websites dedicated to your legal function. Specifically, you would post your standard terms and contracts online. Today, many small businesses already have privacy policies on their website.…

  • Code as Contracts – The Appeal of True “Code

    There is a growing number of advocates of coding for lawyers. Their approaches can range from general tech awareness to writing actual computer code. In this post, I want to talk about lawyers writing code; specifically, turning contracts into code. Practical Challenges of Programming Let’s get this out of the way first, code as contracts…

  • Standardizing contracts – not a hopeless endeavor

    One of the puzzles I faced as a new in-house lawyer was the lack of standardization for generic documents. Why does every lawyer have their own versions of documents that are practically never negotiated anyways? Example: Non Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) The NDA has been the low hanging fruit kicking off many legal tech projects. There…

  • Web Contracts – How web formatting changes contracts?

    Web contracts, or documents on the web are increasingly popular. However, paper documents are still common. Even when digitized, we scan in physical documents or export to PDF files, locked down to the standard 8.5×11 sheet. This might not be an issue for a paperback novel, but contracts are rarely ever considered easy reads. Modern…