Category: Legal Tech

  • Response: Law Isn’t Code

    The idea of “law as code” isn’t new. There has long been a body of thought which posits there are significant benefits if the law can be expressed as computer code. On the other hand, there are challenges both practical and theoretical in expressing law as code. The Argument in Law Isn’t Code Artificial Lawyer…

  • Standardizing contracts – not a hopeless endeavor

    One of the puzzles I faced as a new in-house lawyer was the lack of standardization for generic documents. Why does every lawyer have their own versions of documents that are practically never negotiated anyways? Example: Non Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) The NDA has been the low hanging fruit kicking off many legal tech projects. There…

  • Web Contracts – How web formatting changes contracts?

    Web contracts, or documents on the web are increasingly popular. However, paper documents are still common. Even when digitized, we scan in physical documents or export to PDF files, locked down to the standard 8.5×11 sheet. This might not be an issue for a paperback novel, but contracts are rarely ever considered easy reads. Modern…

  • We need more simplicity in legal tech

    What is the most common reason legal departments fail to adopt legal tech? If you Google that question, the same answer appears over and over: purchasing software doesn’t magically solve problems. It’s the process that solves problems. Process over features If you enter the market hoping to pick some service off-the-shelf, you’re in for a…